Monday, May 11, 2015

18 Things I Learned By 18

1. Your number of Instagram followers does not define your value as a person.

2. Work your ass off. Eventually it will pay off.

3. Don't trust everyone. We are given a lot of people in our life. Some are here to build us up and some are here to bring us down. Learn how to see people for who they truly are.

4. Don't be afraid to get rid of toxic people in your life. If the people you are surrounding yourself with are bringing you down, you don't need them in your life.

5. Be strong and be yourself.

6. Be honest. With yourself and with others. Speak your mind but be kind in the process.

7. Smile as often as you can.

8. It's okay to cry. If you are hurt, stressed, upset, excited or happy. Let yourself have emotions.

9. Wear what you want. Not what others tell you to. Being a trend follower can get really boring. Especially in high school.

10. Be friendly and talk to as many people as you can. You can meet really interesting people and learn so much from others perspectives.

11. Be silly, be crazy and laugh as much as you can. We are young and should be enjoying every single moment.

12. Sing as loud as you want. Get in the car with your friends, roll down the windows and sing. It is the biggest stress reliever.

13. Be kind to adults. Especially your parents. Spend as much time with them as you can. You'll miss them later.

14. Take as many photos as you possibly can, and not just of yourself, but your friends and your surroundings as well.

15. Be bold. If you believe strongly in something, don't let others put out your fire.

16. Everyone gets embarrassed. Don't beat yourself up over missteps.

17. Don't spend money you don't have.

18. Be badass. Love what you love, not what others tell you to.


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